The Only Way Is Up

Kaie Bird - Sharing Tables - Creating Community through love of coffee

Kaie Bird Season 1 Episode 60

Kaie created Sharing Tables to be 'excuse' to bring people who normally wouldn't come together, at the same 'table' and creating community or friendships. Within the coffee industry here, before she began her events back in end of 2015-start of 2016, people working at the various cafes didn't mingle. It wasn't a thing that happened. They were "the enemy". Through all of the events in the past 5 years though, she has been able to great a solid foundation and community where people come together and share their ideas, knowledge, skills, and are friends.  These cafe owners now talk and share with one another, to a degree, and there is a real sense of a community. This wasn't a thing before my events with Sharing Tables. Sharing Tables was needed to bridge the community together, past their history and perceived differences.

Specialty coffee has taken giant leaps here locally in past few years and while the cafes are mostly still seeing the scene with dollar signs in their eyes, Kaie sees heart. She wants there to be some heart and does her best to keep building up the strong foundation she has through events like barista jams, cuppings, education, and other community coffee events.

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Artwork: Leon Weinreb