The Only Way Is Up

Andi Saitowitz - Professional Life Coach - Feeling the connection and being part of something bigger

Andi Saitowitz Season 1 Episode 56

Andi is a Professional Life Coach, Global Personal Development Strategist & Lumina Practitioner, NLP Master, published author, motivational speaker, lover of books, coffee, kindness and sport. In her spare time, she is involved in charity work and community. 
Andi’s coaching practice incorporates techniques and tools from the fields of Behavioral Science, Organizational Communications, Psychology, Mindfulness & NLP.
Andi works with private individual clients as well as teams, managers, leaders and business owners.
Andi experienced the magic of Israel a young teen on family vacation and lived in Israel for 1 year at age 14. Grwoing up in a zionist home and community in Johannesburg, Andi's love for Israel was part of her upbringing and education. After spending a year's leadership program gap year in Israel after school, Andi decided she really wanted to study at Bar Ilan University. She left her home and family in South Africa and moved across the world at 18 years old and studied Psychology at BIU and graduated with distinction. 

She continued to further her studies with MA correspondence in Organizational Behavior and Communications. After working for 15 years in the non-profit world with fundraising campaigns and donor relations and resource development, Andi decided to pursue her life's mission of becoming a Personal Development Coach. 

Andi completed her studies at the esteemed Adler Institute in Hebrew and continues to grow her expertise and knowledge through regular courses and workshops making sure she is always learning. Andi is a member of the International Coaching Federation and a lead mentor at Turning Point where she helps clients around the world make meaningful, effective and lasting change personally & professionally. 

Andi lives in Raanana, is married to her best friend since her Aliya and is the blessed mom of 3 awesome children who were all born in Israel.

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Artwork: Leon Weinreb