The Only Way Is Up

Devorah Kur - DKWellness - Asking 'what now?' instead of 'why me?'

Devorah Kur Season 1 Episode 50

Devorah made aliyah in December 2011 with came with my husband and 3 out of her 4 daughters aged 10, 13 and 15. Her 17 year old stayed in South Africa to complete her final year of high school. She made aliyah a year later. It was an incredibly difficult aliyah as her family moved for her 'Zionistic dream'. Teenagers making aliyah was not simple from so many different aspects - social, cultural and of course the language. The first 6 months I was torn between my disbelief that she actually made aliyah and the privilege she felt to be living here, and the pain that her family was feeling. After 6 months of drying tears and trying to settle her family, it hit her one day that she had lost my Wellness practice, that nobody knew her professionally and she would have to start from scratch building up a Reflexology practice again.

Before Devorah made aliyah she ran a busy Reflexology practice from home. The year before she left she started studying Logotherapy which is the teachings of Dr Victor Frankl from his bestseller, 'Man's search for meaning.' She had started incorporating these teachings into my clinic because she felt that people were looking for meaning behind their illnesses and struggles and until then she was not able to help them. LY helps people ask "What now?" instead of "Why me?".

When Devorah knew they were coming to Israel, she told the lecturer, on old Africaner women who was Dr Frankls student, that she was unable to continue with the course because she was going to live in Israel. She said "Marvelous Devorah, I live in Modiin! I converted because of Dr Frankl and now live in Israel and teach a private group Logotherapy from my home. You are welcome to join!" So, soon after she made aliyah she joined the group and continued with the course. This was a lifesaver to Devorah as she made the aliyah transition. It was a huge turning point in her work as she started counseling people with life struggles and challenges. Of course the skills she learnt helped her with her own transition and helped her to help her family as well.

Devorah then went on to do a bereavement counseling course and studied mental imagery for healing and am currently studying Somatic Experience - emotional first aid for trauma.

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Artwork: Leon Weinreb