The Only Way Is Up

Marta Mozes - How startups are bringing innovation and growth to Israel

Marta Mozes Season 1 Episode 49

Marta is the quintessential Aliyah story. Originally from Philadelphia, she fell in love with Israel at an early age, when she lived with her family for a year in the small desert town of Arad, at the age of 10. Really, even back then, she knew then she would one day be back in Israel for good.

After studying abroad here in both high school and college Israel became her second home and eventually, after graduating university in the States, Marta made aliyah 10 years ago.

Over the years Marta has had many jobs from a PR agency, to Masa Israel to
being one of the first employees at the music education startup, JoyTunes, where she was the community manager.

All these positions lead her to her current one, marketing manager at Google.

If you had told Marta, when she graduated from University, that one day she would be working at Google, she would have laughed in your face. She absolutely owes this to living in Israel, as her Israeli network opened doors one by one, taught her the skills, and led her to this incredible opportunity.

Marta is a true zionist, she believes Israel is an ongoing miracle she feels blessed to witness everyday. Even with the many things that still needs to improve in this country, she is excited to be part of the day to day evolution which is this country. Her work at Google, helping startups, she believes is an important part of the mission of Israel - to be a light upon the nation and bring innovation and growth to this country, and beyond. 

When not working, she is traveling the world, for work. When not doing either of those, she is practicing her yoga, taking the long walk home, listening to a podcast or at home playing cards with her boyfriend.Marta is a big believer in positive thinking, manifestation and boutique Israeli wine.  

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Artwork: Leon Weinreb