The Only Way Is Up

Ilana Hart - Culinary Nutrition Expert - Tips on what foods to buy and how to eat healthy

Ilana Hart Season 1 Episode 41

Ilana made Aliyah from Canada in 2008, after finishing hrer university studies. She always had a strong connection with Israel, and her Savta was born and raised here. (She moved to Canada after marrying her Saba). Her parents raised me with strong Jewish & Zionistic values, and my family regularly visited Israel.

After completing her training in Journalism, she went home to Canada to pack her bags, and made Aliyah shortly after. Ilana worked in the journalism field for a bit, but then decided to transition into high-tech, in a marketing & PR role.

It was during this time, that I was experiencing some health challenges, and started to explore nutrition as a path to better health. In 2018, coming off of my second maternity leave, I decided to do a complete 180-turn in my career and obtained my certification as a Culinary Nutrition Expert (2018).

Ilana offers a foods-based approach to wellness. My focal area is on helping women figure out which foods can best support their health, at various points throughout the female life cycle. Her goal is to make healthy eating as easy and simple as possible.

Here are the services she is offering at this time: 

·         1-on-1 personal nutrition session – to address a particular health goal or health concern

·         1-on-1 cooking lesson – we’ll make 2 recipes together while discussing the nutritional benefits of all the ingredients.

·         Family cooking workshops – participants get the ingredient list in advance and then I’ll host a live, small group class where we make 4 recipes together.

·         Meal prep – I’ll be offering a weekly meal plan subscription – to help reduce the stress around meal prep, keep families healthy, and help people stay focused during their grocery shopping & save money

·         Postpartum nutrition – I’m working on creating a webinar-style postpartum nutrition session. This will help women who are currently pregnant or recently gave birth understand how to best prepare for nourishing themselves in the 4th trimester and into the first year postpartum.

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Artwork: Leon Weinreb