The Only Way Is Up

Jen Curtis - Fitness Consultant - Tips on how to workout at home

Jen Curtis Season 1 Episode 40

Jen met her husband 10 years ago in Brazil, came here to visit shortly after and never left. She struggled a lot for the first 3.5 years with work etc and knowing what she wanted to do. Jen left and went back to England for a year, but decided to come back - that's when she decided to retrain as a personal trainer and things started changing for her here. She found work she was passionate about and for the first time felt settled here.

Jen quickly specialized in pregnancy and postpartum fitness, and her career has been focused entirely on that niche since then. she works with women in the center of Israel helping them to rehab and build their bodies back up after giving birth.

Jen married her boyfriend and converted through Tzohar - and 14 months ago she had her first child - Charlie!

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Artwork: Leon Weinreb