The Only Way Is Up

Pearl Lopian - EFT Tapping - How Tapping can help you at this time

Pearl Lopian Season 1

Pearl grew up in London and when she got married she moved to Manchester where she brought up her family.  Pearl worked in finance for a while but always wanted to work with wellbeing and the helping professions.   It was around the time approximately 12 years ago when she was studying  psychotherapy that she found  EFT Tapping Therapy or rather EFT Tapping Therapy found her !!  She knew then that was for her and so she made it her business to be the best Practitioner she could be.  

Pearl also worked for nine years Camp Simcha UK which is an organisation that supports families with children with life threatening conditions.  She was the Manchester case worker and offered emotional and practical support to the parents.  

Pearl made aliya with her husband  to Jerusalem in February 2017 and as she had been working so many hours in UK, she didn't quite take in the fact that she had left her comfortable and familiar life in Manchester and was embarking on something so new.  

In her mind she was going to seamlessly continue working and continuing my lifestyle.   

But she am not a person who dives into the unknown and thats what it felt like !!   Pearl walked into Ben Gurion airport and then it hit her and only then what had she done!!!  She was in the deep blue sea and she cant swim.  She actually found it quite hard at the beginning.

What was most familiar to her tho was her work, so that's where she put her energy.  Pearl saw clients privately, ran different tapping groups - for people who made aliya and found it stressful, for people wanting to lose weight, for people who wanted money and abundance.  She works online and in person. and then she found people wanted to be trained in these techniques so she became an accredited trainer just over a year ago so that she can train  others to work professionally. 

Pearl is a workaholic but always has time for her family and in her spare time you can find  her playing cards and games with my grandchildren.

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Artwork: Leon Weinreb