The Only Way Is Up

Amy Albertson - The Asian Israeli - Olim Online - Sharing to help others

Amy Albertson Season 1 Episode 39

Meet Amy, aka @theasianisraeli. 5 years ago, this native Californian decided to become Israeli. Looking back on her life, no one would have guessed it. Coming from a mixed family, she had very limited exposure to Judiasm or the Jewish community. It wasn't until her second year in college that she truly started to explore her Jewish identity. And with the help of an Israeli shaliach, she discovered the love of her life, Israel. It was then that her life path began to point towards the Middle East. She started the Israel Advocacy group on her campus, became the President of her Hillel, and decided she wanted to work in Jewish non-profits. Upon making Aliyah she went to Ulpan Etzion in Jerusalem, quickly launching her career in marketing for Jewish nonprofits. Although she loved the spirituality and and meaning of Jerusalem, after 3.5 years she could no longer ignore the calling of the sea. She moved to Tel Aviv where she began working in hitech as a content manager.

As most love stories, Amy & Israel have a complicated relationship. You see, being both a paternal Jew, and and Asian-American in Israel, on top of being a lone-olah, comes with many challenges. Being a blogger from age 16 and an avid social media user, Amy decided to share it all by launching her Instagram account, @theasianisraeli. From Sabich wars to election breakdowns, check out her Instagram account for olim struggles, mixed-girl perspectives, and at minumum, a good laugh. Bonus: she has a cute puppy named Mindy.

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Artwork: Leon Weinreb